Friday, February 6, 2009

A trip to Costco

Here in China we have a Chinese version of Costco and so far it is my favorite place to go. So today I had our driver take Ian, Kyle and I over to Metro to do some shopping. Since our stroller  has not arrived yet my only mode of transport for Kyle is the Bjorn. So I have Kyle in the Bjorn and Ian in the cart and a small group of Chinese people following me through the isles.  People cannot get enough of the baby(I keep telling him to stop smiling and being so social, but he won't listen to me). It was definitely funny at first - now it is just annoying! At least 6 people followed me through the store. Grabbing Kyle's hand - touching Ian's hair. It is like they have never seen young American boys! We are like the Jackpot here! As most people know the Chinese government does not allow people to have more than 1 child (unless you and your spouse are both only children then you are allowed 2). So to see us all together - especially all 3 boys we are the talk of the town!
Anyway - back to the food - we have found out why the Chinese are such skinny people. PORTION CONTROL! Everything is in very small packages. Ian begged me for these ice cream drumsticks - they came in a package of 12 and the box was the size of a girl scout cookie box. I thought there must be a mistake - no way there are 12 in that box. Oh yes - there were 12. Mark can eat them in one bite!

1 comment:

  1. Lisi's! Welcome to China! I love the blog and will follow it. I love the stories especially the drumsticks and the people following you through the stores. Thinking of you and ENJOY the fabulous experiences you are having. What a life changing experience for you and your family. So lucky. I will follow your blog...
