Friday, February 27, 2009

Only 29 months Left!

As of today we have officially been in China for one month. We stepped off the plane on January 27th with no idea what to expect and now exactly one month later - here are 3 things I have learned about myself:

1. My geography is terrible! People ask where are you from? I say, "New York" The response is typically Wow - I have been once I loved it or I have always wanted to go. Then I say "How about you - where are you from?" Wellington - Now I have no idea where Wellington is - so my response is ?? "I have heard it is lovely there in the summer?" It could be in Antarctica for all I know so that is not a safe response. I listen for the accent hoping to get a clue, but it is just too hard to tell. So I usually just say "Oh nice - how long have you been here?" Quickly changing the subject to avoid anymore geography trivia. Then I race home to goggle and find out that Wellington is in New Zealand. We really need a world map! Mum needs some serious help!

2. I am not too good with math in my head. (I need my dad- we would quiz him all the time on car rides -What is 2345 +7819? He is the fastest math guy I know!) I need a cheat sheet. I come from the time of calculators and my brain is just slow. People probably think I am crazy as I do math problems in the air - trying to carry the one. To get the price in American dollars you have to divide the RMBs by 6.76. I always feel rich when I take money out of the ATM. I withdrew about $120 and the machine gives me 8 - 100 Yuan - I can't help but think - wow $800! No such luck. When a box of Ian's favorite cereal Lucky Charms cost 80 RMB! Mum needs a calculator!

3. I am not good at understanding or speaking Chinese. Yesterday I got a furniture delivery. As the guys brought in the couch they started asking me something in Chinese - I said "no comprendo". Now why I thought they might understand Spanish when they don't understand English - I have no idea. Since the only other language I know any words are in Spanish - I chose to speak Spanish - which gets me no where! Mum is in desperate need of Mandarin classes!

When I was speaking to another Mum at pick up the other day she said "Shanghai is an exhausting city - don't push yourself."  What is the saying - Rome wasn't built in a day. Well neither was China - and I have 29 more months to figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam! I don't think we have ever met, but my name is Rebecca Stryker, and I am Barbara Libath's daughter. I went to HS with Mark, although he was ayear older than me. Anyway, my mom shared your blog link with me, as I went through a similar experience as you about a year ago. We moved to England with my husband's job, and will be here for 3 years total. I know... England is not nearly as far and different as China, but a lot of the emotions and circumstances you've been describing are similar to mine. I too am keeping a blog. Feel free to visit (, or email (
