The boys are both playing football (soccer to us) and loving it! Ian practices on Monday nights from 4-5 and Nicholas practices on Wednesday nights from 4-5:30. They both play scrimmage type games on Saturdays. I like to hang out and chat with the other Mums at the practices. I have met a nice friend from Australia - Sydney to be more precise. Now I have never had an Aussie for a friend, but I really like her. When Mark and I first met, I loved the movie "Muriel's Wedding"(takes place in Sydney) and all the old Abba songs. I might have to go buy a pirated version just to bring back the memories. Once again I notice my Mid-West/now Australian accent starting to appear. I love this accent - I think more than the British? I have even noticed a change in the way Nicholas talks - I guess spending the day with Brits is starting to rub off on him. He now says "Mum - I need to use the toilet." Yikes!
Please don't turn into Madonna, fake accent and all, while you are gone!