Friday, March 27, 2009

Ian loves radishes

Today I went to a Parent/Teacher conference for Ian. In the few short weeks we have been here, we have seen such an amazing change in him since he started school. He is now writing his name and drawing pictures that actually resemble something. He is huge into phonics saying "Mom I am thinking of something that sounds like rrrr." He has started eating dumplings dipped in ketchup and he claims he loves radishes (this was fruit and vegetable tasting month). He tells us words that rhyme all the time - Kyle - smile. Here he is singing a song in Chinese that he learned at school! (We have no idea what he is saying?!?!)


  1. How precious! It sounds like the alphabet to me.

  2. No mom, it's a Ricky Martin song!

  3. Nice song, Ian! We are so happy that you are doing so well in school.
    Love, Pop & Grandma
