I love Halloween! I loved Halloween in Briarcliff! I have always loved Halloween and spent every year as a kid searching and trying to come up with the best Halloween costumes I could think of. Luckily my Mom is very crafty and my dad is an engineer. Great team when you decide you want to be a shower! OK -so it was kind of a copy cat from the movie The Karate Kid, but it was a fantastic costume! My dad built a harness to hold the shower up and my mom decked me out with a cool shower curtain and fake water - I have to say I looked really cool! I think I even sprayed my already very hairsprayed wings (feathered hair) blue to look wet. Anyway- I decided we had to throw the best Halloween party to show those not so familiar with Halloween (our Dutch, Australian, and British friends) how we do it in America. So I whipped up some of my best scary snacks -
I'm looking at you dip with witches nails, Candy Corn pizza, Brains in a cup, Worms in the dirt, etc, we played our favorite scary music, and had plenty of fun games - bobbing for apples, Halloween BINGO, Scavenger Hunt, cookie decorating and more. We hosted about 50 of our wonderful friends and had a great time!! And because we were hosting the party we had to have some good costumes - so we were all Mario guys. Mark was Mario, Nicholas was Wario, Ian was Luigi, Kyle was baby Luigi and I was Peach. With the fabric market and some major help from our tailor friend Mr. shang we looked pretty darn good. I am sure you would love to see some photos of the fabulous event, however, the person in charge of photo taking ( I won't mention any names) snapped pictures all night long and was so proud of himself to announce at the end of the night that he took over 100 photos! So I turned the camera on to scroll through the fabulous photos and the message popped up "No CF card"- hhhmmm so 100 photos became no photos!!
Here is one pulled from Facebook - it is all we got.
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