I really never thought that much about cleaners. I am a real sucker for a new product or a new scent, but I always seem to go back to good old Mr. Clean. There is something about Mr. Clean that- well- makes me feel clean? Maybe it is bald head? Maybe his extra white t-shirt, nice tan or his friendly smile? I have always wondered why the earring? Any marketing people out there know why? Anyway - his products always do the trick and leave a nice fresh scent behind. Here in China we have Mr. Muscle. First of all he is wearing a suit similar to Superman, but with a big M- OK so I guess superhero of cleaning? Then he his wearing a white sportcoat (Don Johnson like) over the super suit?And he has what looks like 3 colored sharpie markers in the pocket?(Now I am married to someone(I won't mention any names) who always carries a pen in his pocket- so he would say he is a man who is prepared for anything. I guess you should always be prepared when you are cleaning?) Anyway - Mr. Muscle's skin color looks like Nicholas's when he has the stomach flu- a grayish green. I think he is meant to have Asian skin, but his hair is black and wavy. I have not seen too many Chinese with wavy hair. To top it off he has on bright orange safety goggles? I don't know how many of us who clean wear safety goggles? But with the smell of the products you need a full face mask. So cleaning the bathroom has never been my favorite job, but at least I know after Mr. Clean I can take a deep breath and enjoy the added scent of Febreze and feel like the time and effort was not wasted. Mr. Muscle made me realize I need to get that cleaning lady hired today! Mr. Clean TKO in the first round!
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