Monday, May 25, 2009

Missing my girls from "the hood"!

I am not sure why, but I got up this morning missing my friends from "the hood". It is Memorial Day at home, but not here in China. The town pool is opening, BBQ's are going on and Briarcliff is on my mind! I put on my red shoes (old heels I use to wear to work), closed my eyes, clicked my heels together 3 times while saying "there's no place like home", but no such luck. What I would give to be back in "the hood" hanging out at Jackson Park with the girls! Miss you all! Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Halloween picture! I am missing the "hood" too, and miss you too! I miss Spring and I miss all the green stuff and I miss my garden and I miss my real wood floors (which I hated while I lived there, btw) and I EVEN miss the Taconic (our new house is too dang quiet). I wanna go home too, my friend. No, wait! I wanna go to the HAMPTONS!!!!!!!!!!

