Here are the studs dressed and ready for school and for play (there is a not hat no play policy).
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First Day of School!
Well - we were suppose to start school on August 25th, but because of the H1N1 scare over here Dulwich decided we needed to quarantine ourselves for a week in our homes before starting school. So the boys and I enjoyed a few more days at the Vizcaya pool before we headed back to school on August 27th. This year Ian jumped up from the waiting list and got excepted into Reception (Pre-Kindergarten for us in the states) at Dulwich. So now he attends the lower school (Toddler, Nursey, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) where Nicholas was last year and Nicholas moved up the the Junior School (across the street). A more challenging pick up and drop off, but great for them to both be at Dulwich (same holiday breaks).

Friday, August 21, 2009
Coming Home....or Leaving Home??
It was definitely a weird feeling coming back to the PRC this time. After 5 weeks in the US, enjoying how easy life is in a free country where you speak the language and eat normal food, it was difficult to be excited to get on the plane back to this life so foreign from our own. Living here in China, I have gotten use to ignoring the background sounds and kind of living in my own world. When you cannot understand the language and you don't care to hear the sounds of spitting and urination - you learn to block it out. In fact I see many Western people in the shopping areas with their iPods on. I think they have the same feeling as me. Our first full day back in the US at my sister's in Chicago, we took the kids to the zoo. All day I felt like I had been a deaf person who suddenly was able to hear again. I was eavesdropping on every one's conversations and I felt like striking up conversations with every stranger around. Most of you who know me know I am a talker - well when you are riding in a car with a man who speaks no English and you have a woman in your house all day that speaks no English - it is that constant feeling of uncomfortable silence. But yet there is nothing you can do about it. I simply miss talking to people. I think it is the little things like this that I miss the most. Things that make you feel comfortable in your own skin. I kind of feel like I am wearing someone else's skin temporarily and it is not quite as comfortable as mine?
So- flight #1 was to the unknown - nervous, anxious, scared, unsure of what to expect, hoping for the best.
Flight #2 was in sadness - missing my friends and family already, knowing my good neighbors in China were gone, mourning the loss of the good food (I needed this one since I gained 10 pounds in the five weeks home) and finally knowing that my next visit back is a whole year away.
I once again enjoyed my extra large Dunkin Donuts coffee and then we boarded the flight back to the other side of the world.
Monday, August 17, 2009
New York, New York....

Nicholas got to spend the night with his best friend in the whole world Patrick and is still talking about how much fun he had!! Thanks Patrick - for the great memories!
Once again Thursday morning we were off and running out to East Hampton to enjoy some great time with Mark's family at the beach. We had a great time just relaxing with Uncle Ben, Ashley, Uncle Andrew and Grandma and Pop. The weather was great, the sand was beautiful, and the sea was fun for all. This was Kyle's first trip to the beach and he seemed pretty comfortable playing, crawling and eating the sand.

Nicholas and Ian had a great time using the new boogie boards that Aunt Margaret restocked the house with!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Home for the Summer
Well - our first stop on the Lisi US summer tour was Chicago for 4 days with Aunt Kim, Uncle Zach and Cousin Henry. Let me tell you Kim has said many times now she will NEVER take the 1st stop again! Four very jet-lagged travelers were not her idea of fun! And the littlest traveler caused us all the most pain! Fourteen hours in an airplane in Coach seats surrounded by Chinese people is difficult for anyone, but we managed to survive pretty well. No serious break downs by anyone. Nicholas and Ian had a pretty easy adjustment to the 13 hour time difference, but Kyle was just not willing to believe that night was day and day was night. So needless to say Kim and I were also up many nights enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds of the Baby Einstein DVDs (black market Chinese copies anyway- good to know they work in the DVD players in the US).

We did have great fun at the Brookfield Zoo checking out the dinosaur exhibit. Uncle Zach was nice enough to get up on Saturday morning and get us 2 dozen Dunkin Donuts and my favorite coffee!! YEA! We each ate 3 donuts a piece! Boy have we missed donuts.....and this was just the beginning of the US feeding frenzy!
Anyway - I got a fabulous haircut and color by Kim's very cool stylist Jenny - Kim and I did some quick shopping (thanks Zach and Rachel for the babysitting) and the kids had a great time hanging out with cousin Henry. By Sunday, however, Henry was ready to kick us out and get his Mommy and his stuff back to himself - so we hopped a quick one hour flight to Indiana for the second leg of our summer tour.
Now -first of all we need to say a big "THANKS" to Nana and Papa Jo for allowing us to stay with them for 3 full weeks in their normally quiet, peaceful, clean home. The 3 boys and I came and destroyed (Kyle's new nickname is "The Destroyer") the quiet, peaceful, clean home in the woods, but we had a great time doing it! Kyle was notorious for removing every door stop in the house and finding all outlets and toilet paper rolls!
Papa Jo spoiled the boys with fishing trips, putt-putt golf, and swims at the Country club pool with a slide!! The best part was when Papa Jo would go down the slide! He might be a 60 something, but he sure can keep up with these crazy boys! Almost every night was spent playing baseball on the front drive ......Papa Jo throws a mean screw ball!

Nicholas and Ian spent 2 weeks taking daily swimming and lessons and got quite good. Both passed their current levels and moved up to the advanced levels for their age groups. Nick also spent a week at golf camp perfecting his swings and putts.
Now -first of all we need to say a big "THANKS" to Nana and Papa Jo for allowing us to stay with them for 3 full weeks in their normally quiet, peaceful, clean home. The 3 boys and I came and destroyed (Kyle's new nickname is "The Destroyer") the quiet, peaceful, clean home in the woods, but we had a great time doing it! Kyle was notorious for removing every door stop in the house and finding all outlets and toilet paper rolls!

Nana and I took the boys on many shopping trips(not their favorite activity, but much needed) to restock all the items we cannot find in China, a fun morning at the Children's Museum, and visits to many of the big playgrounds around Newburg.
We had nice visits with Nana's side of the family and shared some Chinese cheer with all!
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